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> 10 years of work
Extensive experience in the game activation market allows us to provide the best service among competitors. Do not take our word for it, just try it and you will not remain indifferent!
> 130,000 sales
Starting from completely manual activations, we have grown to writing our own automated software for activating games, which now saves both our time and the time of our customers
> 17,000 reviews
Our work is appreciated by a huge number of positive reviews from real users. All of them are checked by the moderators of the Plati.ru trading platform, which excludes the possibility of cheating
Newest Games
Activation of the latest games is always available on our website on the day of release
WebMoney seller certificate
We have passed the certification of the WebMoney payment system and received the seller's certificate. This ensures your safety when making a purchase on our website
Instant delivery
Delivery of goods is carried out automatically 24/7 to your email immediately after payment
Many payment methods
You can pay with one of the many most common payment methods, from bank cards and e-wallets to Steam skins and cryptocurrencies
Fast support service
Fast and qualified technical support that will promptly answer your question or solve a problem
Low prices
You will be satisfied with our prices for games, because they are an order of magnitude lower than in official stores
Affiliate program
Earn money with us! Become our partner and get access to special discounted prices for our products!
Purchase bonuses
For every purchase you will receive a gift card that you can cash out when you pay for your next purchase
Frequent sales
We love to do holiday sales, and we also share discount game codes. Subscribe to us on social networks so as not to miss something interesting!