How to delete the WindowsApps folder in Windows 10 - DenuvoGames.Store
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How to delete the WindowsApps folder in Windows 10

Instructions for deleting the WindowsApps folder:

  1. Right-click on the folder WindowsApps and open its properties, and then go to the tab "Security" and press the button "Advanced".

  2. Press "Change" in step "Owner".

  3. In the field "Enter the names of the objects to be selected" enter your username, and then press the button "Check Names". If the name was entered correctly, the computer name will be added to the username, as in the screenshot. For a Microsoft account, you can enter the corresponding E-Mail as the name. Press "OK".

  4. Check item "Change owner of subcontainers and objects" and press "Apply". Wait until the changes are applied.

  5. Press OK. You will be returned to the folder properties window. In it, press the "Advanced" button on the "Security" tab again.
  6. Press Change Resolutions and then press Add. In the field "Principal" specify your user, just as you did in the 3rd step, and then set the checkbox "Full control" and press "OK".

  7. Check Replace all child object permission entries and press OK. Wait until the security settings are applied. Please note that when you change them for system applications (if you delete WindowsApps on drive C), there may be crashes, you will have to press "Continue" (the rights to the specified subfolder will not be changed).

    After applying the security settings, delete the WindowsApps folder in the usual way.